Monday, December 15, 2008

No Bombay riot due to 26/11

Every time we face an attack, we console ourselves that time will take care of it and we let it go. We remember it when time strikes again and we wake up, clamor a bit but then hibernate again. Our mutiny causes the government drowsy too. The little outcry we make initially which focus mainly on complaining the system etc. impacts too little. Sooner we abandon our indolence is the better and it is not only we who have to rejuvenate, but the whole world required to be stirred up against it. The latest terrorist attack we endured is neither due to one cause, not caused by one group or not prepared in one day nor affected one unity or nation. The same suffering to the common people is being conducted with varying extent in everywhere such as Turkey, Israel, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Africa etc. and even America and Britain including other European nations. And these are fueled largely by various terrorist groups like Kurdish, Hezbollah, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, LeT, LTT and so on, in the name of religious intolerance, or even within the same religion having different perspective (e.g. Shia vs. Sunni) or to display regional superiority, personal or collective almighty or revenge to an old event. My voice here is aimed to a complete abolition of all such misery permanently and globally which can not only be achieved by killing the germ without curing its radical origin. My main focus here is to find various ways in order to extinguish terrorism.

The complete ecosystem by which a terrorism grows to possibly ceases can be categorized in to three bodies; the terrorist who assault, the public who suffers and the government who has the ability to rescue the latter from the former. Therefore the entire healing process to it would be curing all of them simultaneously and most importantly it must not be confined to a temporal or zonal or metaphorical act rather a complete demolition of all illness.

TERRORIST: Among three of the above, the nullification of the terrorist would be the most difficult exercise. Curing the infected people is as important as removing the virus. In other words, we have to kill the false doctrine in them which they have possessed during the process of their transformation from an innocent human being to terrorist. I am not the first person to say that the most of the terrorists are Islamic. Among many, one of the excuses by which these terrorists have been brainwashed is by misinterpreting the various excerpts from holy Qur'an. The leaders of the terrorist-organizations perhaps quote various lines from the Qur'an and explain them inaccurately to serve their purpose and thus influence the young bloods to commit the 'holy' crime. This is one of their tools which we need to deprive first. The essential step is thus educating the whole world with the proper meaning of religion and god.

For this purpose we need first to establish a world-class organization which has to be as large and powerful as United Nations, but devoted solely in increasing religious awareness among people irrespective of their nationality. The members of the organization will be (well-educated) religious leaders, prophets etc. from all countries and the organization will be supported financially and with infrastructure by the world fund, but most importantly the whole system will be under vigilant guidance and protection of International intelligences and governments. The job for the members will be to arrange public gatherings, religious summits and deliver religious speech. The gatherings need to be done in every corner of the world and depending on the environment it should be repeated several times to make sure that the people can apprehend the moral of religion and make it use to correct their life. The speakers in a particular region has to be chosen such that they are popular, respectable and trustworthy to the common people there so that people will give enough attention and value to their opinion. It is natural that every individual has his own biased likeness no matter how great the prophet is, and thus more than one prophet who delivers the same truth in different way needs to be employed. In addition to the local leaders, a large number of general prophets (necessarily more respectable worldwide and having more command on their speech) should be there who will visit all the localities in a regular interval. The speeches should be written in common people's language and broadcasted in radio and televisions frequently. I must emphasize that this process has to be effective worldwide, in every nations where the degree of its application may vary depending on the intensity of violence.

Fear brings bad motives. Fear of living in the society, fear of poverty and fear of being hated, fear of insecurity and fear of suffering from past sin make us choose the alternative of normal life to proclaim our existence. One of the purposes of this organization will be to plant confidence in them, remind them their importance in the world and pardon their past misdeed, if it helps but keep a keen eye on them. The other fact which needs to be removed from the terrorist's mind is the anger of revenge they have acquired from our past mistakes. Lastly, we will always find some people who are reluctant to cure their illness no matter how hard we try. We must give some time to them and still if we find it’s nothing but a waste of time, we must kill them. These two exercises will be discussed later at their right context.

So far I have talked about some of the ways we can pursue to annul terrorist which is relatively easier than doing away with terrorist organization. Most of the necessary ingredients by which these groups survive is man power, finance, infrastructure, intelligence, ammunition and stability in space, all of which we need to barricade at the same time. Our delay in reaction has made them extremely powerful with the first five resources; rather we can always take action by inhibiting their inhabitance. At the end of the day we have to sweep them away from everywhere.

PUBLIC: In countries like US, people overestimate everything, whereas in India we underestimate them all. This is one of the issues the common people need to learn. We must make our life worthier to ourselves. The so called 'spirit of Mumbai' which encourage people to go out casually to the street where there are gunfire going on another side of the city. Another important thing is that people must take the biggest responsibility in helping the police and the authority in keeping the city secured and peaceful. For example, we must not be irritated in showing identity cards, driving license as necessary or obey the police's order whenever or wherever it is alerted. Again if we suspect any misbehavior or sense of any anger we must bring it into police’s notice. In time, people have lost their faith in the government for all valid reasons, but we must remember that if anybody can save us from these attacks then it is the government.

Public memory is always short. But we have to remember our past sufferings and thus remind the government that they must act immediately. We have learnt from our past experience that all talking and promises grow when an attack happens but with time they disappear. Obviously one of the reasons for that is that we fail to pressurize our government constantly. Sometimes we rather find that our local leaders are trustier than the government and we give birth to new goonda-transformed-leaders this way. There is no example so far that these leaders have been able to help people rather than creating more troubles. We must not take the responsibility in our own hand in killing the terrorist or religious fanatics, neither we can give this opportunity to the local leaders; rather we should make an effort to make our government better. Street gatherings and tremor of slogans is not the right way, rather it causes more trouble for the government and our security system to maintain the peace and influence public to reveal their retaliation in action. My point is that we must auction of our indignation in a peaceful manner and enforce the government take action in drastic way. We do not want another Bombay or Gujarat riot to originate from this.

GOVERNMENT: Even in a democratic country like India, public has enormous authority to talk and protest, but the actual power is always reserved with the government and hence the government must take all the responsibility to act. India being such a large and diverse country it is naturally difficult for the central government to control the whole country, and that's why we share the power with the state government, municipality etc. But all state government or state police do not have enough intelligence and strength to track or fight against terrorist act, even the recent 26/11 attack has put question mark to the ability of our central intelligence or army force. I believe a more power sharing act will benefit to it.

The mistakes made by public, government as well as the political or religious leaders give the terrorist to make excuses, though mostly not the real purpose for their outrageous behavior. Without refusing many ill activities and misbehaviors of Islamic, I must say with enough thought that our act on Hindutva was not quite right either. I find it's a work of extremist of a 'religion' which has traditionally been marked as most peaceful and nonviolent one. We should remember that unlike other religions, Hindu is not created by any particular prophet with any particular reason, it is a naturally evolved 'culture', a well-defined lifestyle articulated by many ethical and moral literature ('not' holy scripture) and free of any constraints or burdens against people's wishes. We are free to choose any other religion, but there is no procedure available for others to convert in Hindu. We are the solo community in the world, who enjoys the ultimate 'democracy' in our daily life not only politically but religiously as well. This has been the tradition of India from its early history; we must accept it and be proud of it. This community shows its strength and stability albeit several attempt to demolish it in the history, and will remain the same by its own. I firmly disagree with the fact that a political party like BJP should adopt the ideology of protecting Hindu and/or favoring them, and the people should influenced by it.

Coming back to the issue about our past mistakes, I think it is not the time to dig out the past and find out who initiated this hatred between these two religions. If we want to put an end to it and make our future safer, then 'we' must come front and apologize for our earlier errors. 'We' here represent the government and leaders mostly like Advani, Bal Thackeray, Modi etc. Let me repeat it that we want peace not them, so we must come forward and hunt for it.

All of the exercises I have adverted above will result less but consume time, no matter how much effort we put. We ultimately need to obliterate the whole terrorist system. If we feel we are unable to react fully, we must then seek foreign and UN's help, which presumably our Government is doing. It’s not only India who is suffering from such calamity repeatedly, every nation has seen its brutality at his own door and therefore the whole world should feel the urge by itself to unite and act against the terrorism.


Addie said...


Very interesting idea about spreading the correct word of religion .. achcha likha hain...

keep posting!

Addie said...

Nice blog. ...
buss ek problem hain .. if we investigate who's fault it was for not taking action against information that was there... it's probably going to be ppl in the police and the anti-terrorist outfit...

and no one will say anything to them .. because THEY have lost the most!

nice idea of spreading the word of religion ... although .. it is equally important to educate ppl about other religions... like christians should be told to respect muslims, jews.. and vice versa.. of course.. that's another place where hatred is created..

Tanmoy Das said...

true...very true