I have not been able pen down anything on the web for some period now. I had been pretty busy writing offline of the things I wanted to finish off, like several research related papers. In between, a 'Dr.' title has been affixed to my name which I received with full comfort but less satisfaction. I felt the joy and sense of it mostly when others clapped to it, but for some uncanny reasons, it left me nearly unstirred. I am continuing my post doctoral fellowship with the same group, same people, in fact inclusive of all same except the salary. I wish not to judge the pros and cons of this decision, simple because circumstances handed me less choices.
On the other side of life, many things have indeed changed in silence - I have learned some, lost others. When changes occur in silence, I guess you find its greater prices. If you see your life from distance, it always moves in an auto-pilot course not on your desire but by your deeds.
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